Georgestown Neighbourhood Association Constitution and By-lawsMission statement
The Georgestown Neighbourhood Association monitors and addresses issues concerning the well-being and quality of life of our neighbourhood, and seeks to preserve and enhance the social and physical environment of the neighbourhood community. Georgestown neighbourhood is defined as the area enclosed within Military Road, Bonaventure Avenue, Carpasian Road, Monkstown Road.
Board of Directors Composition
The number of Directors will be fourteen.
The Executive will consist of a Chair, a Vice-Chair (Community Building), a Vice-Chair (Advocacy), a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The executive is to be chosen by the Board of Directors.
Committees will be established on an ad hoc basis to address neighbourhood issues as they arise.
Membership is open to all residents of the Georgestown neighbourhood.
All neighbourhood residents will have one vote.
Overseeing of activities
Management of the Georgestown Neighbourhood Association will be conducted by a Board of Directors elected annually by the neighbourhood residents at an Annual General Meeting. In carrying out their duties, the Board of Directors will adhere to the directions of the membership as expressed at the Annual General Meeting and/or Special Meeting.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors will be elected by the residents of Georgestown neighbourhood at an Annual General Meeting.
Board of Directors Members who miss more than three consecutive meetings without advance notice will be asked to step aside, and will be replaced at the next AGM.
If the number of the Board falls below eleven, and the next AGM is at least one month away, the remaining Members of the Board may appoint a new member (or members) to bring the number back to a minimum of eleven.
The Chair of the Board of Directors, or a vice-chair as delegated by the chair or by the Board in the absence of the chair, will convene and preside over Annual General Meetings, Special Meetings, and Board of Directors meetings.
The Chair, or a vice-chair as delegated by the chair or by the Board in the absence of the chair, will also be the public spokesperson for the Board, and will, with the Treasurer, sign and witness business and legal documents for the Georgestown Neighbourhood Association.
The Secretary will maintain and distribute a record of all Board meetings and Annual General Meetings, and will provide notice for these meetings.
The Treasurer will maintain proper accounts of financial transactions and report on such accounts and transactions to the Board of Directors on an ongoing basis, and to the membership at the Annual General Meeting. The Treasurer will also, with the Chair, sign and witness business and legal documents for the Georgestown Neighbourhood Association.
Powers of the Board of Directors
Members of the Board of Directors of the Georgestown Neighbourhood Association will carry out the business of the Association through regular meetings. Their responsibilities will include:
Appointment of committees and/or representatives to conduct business on behalf of the Georgestown Neighbourhood Association.
Direction of staff activities.
Establishment of policies and organizational practices.
Approval of contractual relationships.
Approval of fund raising activities and expenditures.
Limitations on the Powers of the Board of Directors
Executive members of the Board of Directors will give reports at Board Meetings and Annual General Meetings.
Members of the Board of Directors of the Georgestown Neighbourhood Association are precluded from obtaining individual monetary gain from group activities.
Changes to the objectives, by-laws, or constitution of the Georgestown Neighbourhood Association must be ratified at an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting in accordance with the Rules of Order.
Terms of office for elected members of the Board of Directors will run from one AGM to the following AGM.
Members may stand for re-election to the Board of Directors.
Members may be dismissed from elected positions by the vote of the membership at an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting.
Business of the Georgestown Neighbourhood Association will be carried out through Board of Directors Meetings, Special Meetings, or Annual General Meetings in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order:
Board of Directors Meetings will be called at the discretion of the Chair.
Special Meetings will be called by a majority of the Board, or a minimum of 25 neighbourhood residents.
Annual General Meetings will be held every ten to sixteen months.
Decisions reached by the majority of neighbourhood residents attending meetings will be binding.
Members will receive two weeks public notice, and one week written notice (including the agenda in both), of the Annual General Meetings and Special Meetings.
New business to be added to the agenda at the Annual General Meetings or at special meetings must be approved by a two-thirds majority of neighbourhood residents present. This stipulation must appear on the public and written notices.
Annual General Meetings and Special Meetings will be open to the public
Quorum at Board of Directors meetings will be fifty percent.
*Ratified at the September 27th, 2011, Georgestown Neighbourhood Association Annual General Meeting.
The Board shall appoint a member of the Georgestown Neighbourhood Association to be responsible for maintaining the Association’s website (posting events, editing content, and other activities as the need arises). This position may but not necessarily be filled by a Board member and carries no voting or other responsibilities. The term of appointment will run from one AGM to the following AGM
*Ratified at the September 27th, 2011, Georgestown Neighbourhood Association Annual General Meeting.